Автор Тема: Английские договорки, стихи и рифмовки  (Прочитано 45065 раз)

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Оффлайн Umnica

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И я себе на заметку беру  :thumbup: Спасибо  :ab:

Оффлайн Lediprava

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  • Елена. Счастье в моих руках.
Классно, спасибо, девочки!  b_flowers

Оффлайн Honey

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Ещё стишки
Вот лягушка - "it is a frog",
По дорожке прыг да скок.
Ускакала в свой прудок,
И закончился стишок.

Пес бежал за кошкой вслед,
Но поймать ее не смог.
По английски кошка - "cat",
А собака будет - "dog".

Я кукле платье шить решила,
я раньше никогда не шила.
Белые пуговицы, красный подол...
Будет нарядная кукла "a doll".

Шли мы рядышком с тобой,
Я "a girl", а ты "a boy".
Мальчик рядом с девочкой,
Таня рядом с Севочкой.

Если спросят: "Как дела?",
Я скажу:"All Right!"
Кукла спать моя легла,
Ей шепну: "Good night!"
За стеной сверчок стрекочет,
Всем:"Good night!", спокойной ночи!

Оффлайн Honey

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Этот стишок можно использовать в процессе игры, сделать такую сказку и заодно учить животных

Лесная сказка. A Wood Fairy-Tail

Жила-была обезьянка - a monkey.
Была у нее подружка - a frog (лягушка).
Был у нее дружок - a cock (петушок).
Была у нее сестричка - a fox ( лисичка).
И был у нее - a rabbit (крольчонок), a hear -зайчoнок,
a bear -медвежонок, a wolf - волчoнок.
И поросеночек - a pig, и был он very-very BIG !
Были они так хороши - very good!
Жили они в лесу - in the wood.
А возле озера - near the lake
Жили большая змея - a big snake.
Она была голодна и зла - hungry and angry!

Оффлайн Honey

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Потешки теперь

This Little Piggy

This little piggy went to market,
This little piggy stayed at home,
This little piggy ate roast beef,
This little piggy had none.
And this little piggy went…
“Wee wee wee wee wee”
All the way home…

Это делается на пальчиках ног, перебираю каждый пальчик а в конце, когда поросенок побежал хрюхрю щекотать ножку. ag_smiley

Оффлайн Honey

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Ещё такие веселые песенки, детки их очень любят обычно

для малышей
Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes

Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes,
Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes,
And eyes and ears and mouth and nose,
Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.

а для деток постарше есть песенка Хоки Поки

Вот тут ссылка со словами, начинается сама песня где-то с 28 секунды, я правда знаю другой вариант слов и побыстрее, но можно и так
детям очень нравится :thumbup:

Оффлайн Honey

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Ещё такой стишок, тоже при проговаривании движения повторять

    Two Little Hands Go Clap, Clap, Clap

    Two little hands go clap, clap, clap,
    Two little feet go tap, tap, tap,
    Two little legs kick high, high, high,
    Two little lips go kiss, kiss, kiss,
    Two little arms go hug, hug, hug,
    Two little arms wave bye, bye, bye.

Оффлайн Nfnekz

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Есть сайт, на котором огромное количество материалов, для обучения малышей от 3,5 лет английскому языку. Там можно найти рифмовки, разбитые по темам, песенки, лото, фонетические сказки и многое другое. Мне очень понравилось.

ссылка новичка: http://peekaboo.wmsite.ru/ [не активна]

Оффлайн LadyFlower

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  • Дышу тобой...
Вот такие я использую для деток 6 лет

My family
This is my family.
I love them every day.
Mother, father, baby, oh
Brother, sister, you can see
All the people in my family.
Do it
Pick up, put down, stand up, turn round
Clap left, clap right, clap up, clap down.
Look left, look right, look up, look down.
Turn round, sit down, touch something …brown!

Point to your teacher, point to the door,
Look at the window, look at the floor,
Stand on your left leg, stand on your right.
Now sit down, touch something…white.

Put your hands and touch your toes.
Cross your fingers, hold your nose.
Bend your knees and shake your head,
Stamp your feet, touch something…red.

Head and shoulders, knees and toes,
Knees and toes, knees and toes;
Head and shoulders, knees and toes,
Eyes, ears, mouth and nose.
I like
I like comics, I like hats.
I like biscuits, trees and cats.
I don''t like spider, I don''t like cheese.
I don''t like rats or big yellow bees.
I like To Skip
I like to skip,
I like to jump,
I like to run about,
I like to play,
I like to sing,
I like to laugh and shout.
Monday''s child is nice and slow
 Tuesday''s child is go, go, go
  Wednesday''s child is very funny
   Thursday''s child is happy and sunny
    Friday''s child is like a king
     Saturday''s child can dance and sing
      Sunday''s childe can stand on her head
       And count the ghosts under her bed!

Оффлайн LadyFlower

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  • Дышу тобой...
И ещё сказка "Красная Шапочка и Серый Волк"

Little Red Riding Hood
Based on the story by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
Retold by Mandy Ross

Once upon a time there was a small girl called Little Red Riding Hood. She lived with her parents beside a deep, dark forest. In a cottage on the other side of the forest lived her grandmother. And in the deep, dark forest lived a big, bad wolf. "Grandmother''s poorly," said Little Red Riding Hood''s mother one day. "Please take her this cake. But don''t stop on the way!"

So Little Red Riding Hood set off through the deep, dark forest. She looked all around. There wasn''t a sound. Then who should she meet but the big, bed wolf. "Good day, my dear," growled the wolf with a big, bad smile. "What are you doing here?"

"I''m going to Grandmother''s to take her a cake," replied Little Red Riding Hood. The wolf had a plan. "Wouldn''t your grandmother like some of these flowers?" he smiled. "What a good idea," said Little Red Riding Hood. And she stopped to pick a big bunch. Meanwhile, the wolf sped ahead through the deep, dark forest. At last he arrived at grandmother''s cottage.

"I''m HUNGRY," thought the big, bad wolf, licking his lips. And he knock-knock-knocked at the door.

"Hello, Grandmother," growled the wolf.

"It''s Little Red Riding Hood."

"That sounds more like the big, bad wolf," thought Grandmother, and she crept quickly under the bed. The wolf went in. He looked all around, but there wasn''t a sound. Then his tummy rumbled.

"No one''s here," he grumbled. " Never mind. Little Red Riding Hood will be along soon." Quickly the wolf put on Grandmother''s dressing gown and nightcap.

Then he hopped into bed and pretended to nap.

"Heh! Heh! Heh!" he snarled. "Little Red Riding Hood will never know it''s me!"

Soon Little Red Riding Hood knock-knock-knocked at the door.

"Hello, Grandmother," she called. "It''s Little Red Riding Hood."

"Come in, my dear," growled the wolf. Little Red Riding Hood opened the door.

"Oh, Grandmother!" she gasped…

"…What big ears you have!"

All the better to hear you with, my dear," growled the wolf.

"And Grandmother, what big eyes you have!"

"All the better to see you with, my dear," growled the wolf.

"And Grandmother, what big teeth you have!"

"All the better to…GOBBLE YOU UP!" roared the wolf.

But as he leapt out of bed, Grandmother''s nightcap flopped right over his head.

"Quick! Down here, dear!" whispered Grandmother, and she pulled Little Red Riding Hood under the bed.

Just then, a woodcutter passed by the cottage. He heard a growling and howling… and he dashed inside. With one SWISH! Of his axe he killed the big, bad wolf. The woodcutter looked all around. But there wasn''t sound. And then…out crept Little Red Riding Hood and Grandmother from under the bed. And Little Red Riding Hood said, "Mother was right. I''ll never stop again on my way through the forest!"

Оффлайн Delfina

  • Нет двух одинаковых детей - особенно если один из них ваш.
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Ух ты, какая темка! Спасибо! b_flowers b_flowers

Оффлайн Олька:)

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  • Моя РоМашка лучшая на свете)
для малявок пальчиковые игры
Ten little boys can stand up straight,
Ten little boys can make a gate,
Ten little boys can make a ring,
Ten little boys can bow to the king,
Ten little boys can dance all the day,
Ten little boys can now hide away.

This the father, so strong and stout,
This the mother with children all about,
This is the brother so tall you see,
This is the sister with her dolly on her knee,
This is the baby still to grow,
And this is the family, all in row.

Оффлайн Zirochka

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  • Оксана, 31 год Ради этой улыбки стоит жить!
Прекрасная темка! Позвольте и мне свой стишок выложить.

Я по городу люблю бегать в джинсах цвета blue.
Нам давали на обед помидоры цвета red.
А зеленый мандарин носит шкурку цвета green.
А лимон, когда он спелый, носит шкурку цвета yellow.
Серый волк - гроза зверей- носит шкурку цвета grey.
А медведь смешён, забавен. Носит шкурку цвета brown.
Чернокожий человек по-английски будет black,
По утрам не забывай чистить зубы цвета white.

Оффлайн Мама_Апрельчика

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  • Самый любимый мужчина-мой сынулька Ярослав
Какая тема,спасибо! Пока Ярик подрастет,я сама подтяну английский :bj: потом его буду учить)))

Оффлайн Олька:)

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  • Моя РоМашка лучшая на свете)
когда купаемся и после купания такое рассказываю
After a bath, I try, try, try to wipe myself dry, dry, dry.
(Вытираете плечики и ручки)
Hands to wipe, and fingers, and toes,
(Держите ручки ладошками наружу, указываете на пальчики ножек)
Two wet legs and a shiny nose
(Ручки на бедрах, затем указываете на носик)
Just think how much less time I’d take
If I were a dog and could shake, shake, shake!
(Ребенок отряхивается как собачка)

Just when I''m ready to start on my ears
That is the time that my soap disappears.
It jumps from my fingers and slithers and slides
Down to the end of the tub, where it hides.
And acts in a most disobedient way.
And that''s why my soap''s growing thinner each day.

Bubbly, bubbly bubble bath,
(шевелим всеми десятью пальчиками)
Filled to the top,
(поднимаем ручки над головой, пальчики кверху)
Listen to the bubbly bubbles,
(прикладываем ладошки "рупором" к ушкам - слушаем)
Pop! Pop! Pop!
(хлопаем в ладошки три раза)